Hungarian hemp breeding is world famous

The Fleischmann Rudolf Research Institute in Kompolt has gained international recognition thanks to its breeding work, which continues to this day. Among industrial plants, the Institute’s namesake primarily dealt with the breeding of hemp with good results. He was the first to investigate the correlations between the plant’s morphological features, productivity and fiber quality. He was also the first to successfully apply the photoperiod treatment of hemp for hybridization and variety production purposes. The “F” hemp bred by him received state recognition in 1936, and in the same year the materials made from “F” hemp won first prize at the London fiber industry exhibition.
Iván Bócsa was an agrobotanist, plant breeder, plant geneticist, a colleague of Rudolf Fleischmann. The most valuable result of his breeding work was the creation of the Kompolti variety, which has been in public cultivation for the longest time since its state recognition in 1955. Kompolti was the world leader in its fiber content for decades, but even now it ranks among the best with 30-32%. Its capacity to produce seeds is very good, under optimal conditions it can produce 11-12 tons. The Kompolti variety is not only one of the best fiber varieties, but also stands out among the CBD varieties.
Due to its high CBD, low THC content and stable genetics, it is included in the medical cannabis programs of many countries around the world as a breeding material.
The Kompolti variety and its hybrids are among the most popular CBD flowers in Europe and America today.
About 25% of the genetic stock of European hemp varieties comes from Hungarian varieties, a significant proportion of which were given to the world by the breeders of the Fleischmann Rudolf Research Institute based in Kompolt.